Student Complaint Policy
The Dublin City University (DCU) community is committed to ensuring that every student has the opportunity to have an excellent university experience. In order to achieve this members of the community aspire to a high level of competency, fairness, and professionalism. There may be circumstances where university systems, processes, human error, or sub-standard performance on a specific occasion result in a student having a genuine grievance. It is the policy of the university to provide resolution mechanisms to address issues that may arise.
Dublin City University (DCU) commits to providing students with a positive and excellent university experience and a professional standard of service. This policy aims to promote good practices that service providers within the DCU Community should adhere to when handling a complaint, describe the standards that services may be expected to adhere to when handling a complaint, and provide a method for resolving complaints. The purpose of the Student Complaint Policy and Student Complaint Procedures is to support students and staff in situations where a student makes a complaint about their experience at DCU.
These procedures intend to provide a clear pathway to resolve complaints quickly, efficiently, and locally. They will support students and staff when a student complains about an element of their experience at DCU. Dublin City University (DCU) commits to providing students with a positive and excellent university experience and a professional standard of service.
The University expects most complaints to be dealt with locally to a satisfactory resolution. If a student cannot find a resolution informally or where they feel that they cannot raise the complaint at the local level, a student can make a formal complaint to the Director of Service/Unit or Dean. Beyond DCU, the Office of The Ombudsman and the Office of the Ombudsman for Children is an independent office that investigates complaints. The Ombudsman, where appropriate, may make recommendations concerning the administrative actions of the University.
Stage 1
In Stage 1, a student approaches the relevant staff member, Unit, Faculty, or School directly to communicate a complaint. Where a complaint arises, a mutually acceptable solution should be sought at a local level and through informal means. This can be done by email, by letter, by phone, or in person.
Stage 2
Where a complaint has been unable to achieve a suitable resolution or a complainant is not happy with the outcome of a Stage 1 complaint, the complaint may be escalated to Stage 2. Commencement of Stage 2 begins with the submission of a Student Complaint Form by the complainant with all relevant supporting documents supplied to the Head of School or Unit.
Student Complaint Form PDF / Word Doc
Stage 3
Stage 3 should only be accessed when all local and informal efforts have been exhausted within Stages 1 and 2. Stage 3 is considered a formal complaint stage. Commencement of Stage 3 begins with the submission of a Student Complaint Review Form by the complainant, including all relevant supporting documents, to the Director of Unit or Dean.
Guidelines for Staff Dealing with a Complaint
For a comprehensive guide to dealing with complaints, please refer to the Ombudsmans guidance for service providers in the public sector.
Six Steps for Dealing with Complaints
Guidelines for Students Making a Complaint
- Ask a staff member in the Faculty, School or Unit how you can make a complaint.
- If the complaint is regarding a member of staff, speak to the person directly. If this is not possible, contact the line manager.
- If the complaint is related to a process, policy or procedure not being followed, contact the relevant member of staff in the area.
- Be very clear in describing what you think has gone wrong – stick to the facts.
- Tell the Unit/School what you would like them to do to make things right.
- Provide supporting documents and evidence to support your complaint if relevant.
- Do not make offensive remarks about the people you have been dealing with.
Ask for help to make your complaint if you require it by contacting the Student Advice and Learning Skills Centre.
General Contact Points for Complaints dealt with under the Student Complaints Policy
Nature of Complaint |
Stage 1 Informal Procedure |
Stage 2 Escalation Point 1 |
Stage 3 Escalation Point 2 |
All aspects of academic programme delivery |
Discuss with the lecturer and/or Chairperson of the Programme |
Written complaint - complete the Student Complaints Form and submit it to the Head of the relevant School. |
Written complaint - complete the Student Complaints Form and submit it to the Executive Dean of Faculty / School. |
All aspects of Postgraduate Research Programmes |
Discuss with the lecturer, Supervisor, or Chairperson of the Programme |
Written complaint - complete the Student Complaints Form and submit it to the Head of the relevant School. |
Written complaint - complete the Student Complaints Form and submit it to the Executive Dean of Faculty / Dean. |
All aspects of Postgraduate Taught Programmes |
Discuss with the lecturer, Supervisor, or Chairperson of Programme |
Written complaint - complete the Student Complaints Form and submit it to the Head of the relevant School. |
Written complaint - complete the Student Complaints Form and submit it to the Executive Dean of Faculty. |
Careers Service |
Discuss with the relevant members of the Careers Service staff |
Written complaint - complete the Student Complaints Form and submit it to the Head of Careers. |
Written complaint - complete the Student Complaints Form and submit it to the Dean of Students. |
Counselling Service |
Discuss with relevant members of the Counselling Service staff |
Written complaint - complete the Student Complaints Form and submit it to the Head of Counselling & Personal Development. |
Written complaint - complete the Student Complaints Form and submit it to the Dean of Students. |
Student Health Centre |
Discuss with relevant members of Student Health Centre staff |
Written complaint - complete the Student Complaints Form and submit it to the Head of the Student Health Centre. |
Written complaint - complete the Student Complaints Form and submit it to the Dean of Students. |
Chaplaincy |
Discuss with relevant members of the Chaplaincy staff |
Written complaint - complete the Student Complaints Form and submit it to the Head of Chaplaincy. |
Written complaint - completing the Student Complaints Form to the Dean of Students. |
DCU Placement Office |
Discuss with the relevant member of the Placement Office staff |
Written complaint - complete the Student Complaints Form and submit it to the Director of the DCU Placement Office |
Written complaint - complete the Student Complaints Form and submit it to the Vice-President of Academic Affairs/Registrar. |
Sport /DCU SportFacilities |
Discuss with the relevant member of Sport and Wellbeing or DCU Sport staff |
Written complaint - complete the Student Complaints Form and submit it to the Director of Sports. |
Written complaint - complete the Student Complaints Form and submit it to the Deputy President. |
Registry and Student Fees Services |
Discuss with relevant members of Student Fees or Registry staff |
Written complaint - complete the Student Complaints Form and submit it to the Director of Registry. |
Written complaint - completing the Student Complaints Form and submit it to the Vice-President of Academic Affairs/Registrar. |
DCU Library |
Discuss with relevant members of the Library staff |
Written complaint - complete the Student Complaints Form and submit it to the Director of Library Services. |
Written complaint - complete the Student Complaints Form and submit it to the Deputy President. |
Information Systems & Services |
Discuss with relevant members of Information Systems and Services staff |
Written complaint - complete the Student Complaints Form and submit it to the Director of Information Systems & Services. |
Written complaint - complete the Student Complaints Form and submit it to the Chief Operations Officer. |
Physical Infrastructure |
Discuss with the relevant member of the Estates Office staff |
Written complaint - complete the Student Complaints Form and submit it to the Director of Estates. |
Written complaint - complete the Student Complaints Form and submit it to the Chief Operations Officer. |
Access Office |
Discuss with the relevant member of the Access Office |
Written complaint - complete the Student Complaints Form and submit it to the Head of Access. |
Written complaint - complete the Student Complaints Form and submit it to the Dean of Students. |
Disability & Learning Support |
Discuss with the relevant members of Disability & Learning Support staff |
Written complaint - complete the Student Complaints Form and submit it to the Head of Disability & Learning Support. |
Written complaint - complete the Student Complaints Form and submit it to the Dean of Students. |
Health & Safety Unit |
Discuss with relevant members of the Health & Safety staff |
Written complaint - complete the Student Complaints Form and submit it to the Head of Health & Safety. |
Written complaint - complete the Student Complaints Form and submit it to the Chief Operations Officer. |
Faculty Offices |
Discuss with the relevant member of the Faculty Office staff |
Written complaint - complete the Student Complaints Form and submit it to the relevant Faculty Manager. |
Written complaint - complete the Student Complaints Form and submit it to the Dean of Faculty. |
School Offices’ |
Discuss with relevant members of the School Office staff |
Written complaint - complete the Student Complaints Form and submit it to the relevant Head of School. |
Written complaint - complete the Student Complaints Form and submit it to the Dean of Faculty. |
Student Advice and Learning Skills Centre |
Discuss with the relevant member of Student Advice and Learning Skills Centre staff |
Written complaint - complete the Student Complaints Form and submit it to the Student Advice and Learning Skills Centre Manager. |
Written complaint - complete the Student Complaints Form to the Dean of Students. |
DCU Rooms / Campus Residences |
Discuss with the relevant members of the Campus Residence staff |
Written complaint - complete the Student Complaints Form with the DCU Rooms General Manager or Operations Manager. |
Written complaint - complete the Student Complaints Form with the Chief Operations Officer. |
DCU Restaurants / Cafes |
Discuss with the relevant members of the hospitality staff |
Written complaint - complete the Student Complaints Form with the DCU Restaurant/Cafe General Manager or Operations Manager. |
Written complaint - complete the Student Complaints Form to the Chief Operations Officer. |
The Helix |
Discuss with the relevant member of the hospitality staff |
Written complaint - complete the Student Complaints Form to The General Manager or Operations Manager. |
Written complaint - complete the Student Complaints Form to Chief Operations Officer. |
If you wish to complain about an area that is not listed above, please contact the DCU Student Advice and Learning Skills Centre and a staff member will be able to help identify the correct DCU staff member to address the complaint. Additionally, if you are unsure if this is the correct policy to use in relation to your complaint, a Student Adviser in the Student Advice and Learning Skills Centre or the Student Policy Officer, Deirdre Moloney will be able to provide guidance.