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School of Applied Language & Intercultural Studies
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  • Technologies and Facilities | School of Applied Language & Intercultural Studies

    Technologies and Facilities


    SALIS has two newly refurbished language and translation laboratories for students to use. These laboratories have state-of-the-art tools and applications for language learning and translation practice.

    SALIS Lab 1 SALIS Lab 2 SALIS Lab 3


    Researchers and students at SALIS use a variety of technologies including:

    • Tobii T60XL eye tracker – used in research into translating and post-editing processes, cognitive processing and technology interaction and in reception studies
    • Tobii X2-60 eye tracker - used in research into cognitive processing and multimodal reception studies,  
    • Trados Studio – the school has been granted free access to this CAT tool via the RWS Trados academic programme
    • Phrase TMS – the school has been granted free access to the Phrase Academic Edition, an academic program designed for universities with translation courses.
    • memoQ - the school has been granted free access to this CAT tool via the memoQ academic programme
    • MutNMT - a suite of open access tools for machine translation
    • KantanMT – cloud-based machine translation software
    • WordSmith Tools and Sketch Engine – for corpus processing
    • Second Life – a 3D virtual world that can be used for language learning
    • Our curriculum includes a practice of Wordfast translation tools, courtesy of Wordfast LLC and Yves Champollion.


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