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School of Applied Language & Intercultural Studies
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  • SALIS - Research in SALIS

    We are a research-focused school specialising in Modern Languages, Applied Linguistics, Translation Studies, and Intercultural, Literary and Citizenship Studies. Our research frequently crosses disciplinary and linguistic boundaries, and our scholarship is increasingly concerned with digital technologies, literacies, and practices in a variety of professional, academic and social contexts.

    We collaborate with national and international partners, we participate in externally funded projects, we work with industry to help meet the challenges of communication in multilingual and multicultural environments, and we collaborate with civic society to share knowledge of the many languages and cultures we deal with and to address societal issues faced by communities that are diverse, multilingual and/or multicultural. 

    SALIS is currently home to a thriving community of doctoral and post-doctoral researchers at both MPhil and PhD levels. 大发体育在线_大发体育-投注|官网 here for more information about our PhD programme and here for information about our PhD scholarships.

    The School hosts a number of research centres including the Centre for Translation and Textual Studies, the Applied Linguistics Research Group and EROSS (Expressions, Research, Orientations and Sexuality Studies).

    We also collaborate with a number of other research centres and networks including:

    • The ADAPT Centre focuses on developing new generation digital technologies that transform how people communicate.
    • EMT (European Master’s in Translation) Network – a partnership between the European Commission and selected European Universities, whose main goal is to improve the quality of translator training and to ensure an adequate supply of highly skilled people to work as translators in the European Union

    大发体育在线_大发体育-投注|官网 here to view the profiles of our staff members.

    大发体育在线_大发体育-投注|官网 here for recent open-access research publications by the staff of the School of Applied Language and Intercultural Studies.

    For further queries, please contact Dr Iker Erdocia, Director of Research, SALIS, by email to Iker.Erdocia@dcu.ie