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School of Applied Language & Intercultural Studies
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  • DCU Language & Culture Programme

    The DCU Language & Culture Programme offers students of the Futures undergraduate degrees the opportunity to study an additional language, free of charge, and to obtain extra credit and certification for this alongside their specialist degree programme in DCU. Five languages are offered in the programme at different levels of language competence (Spanish, French, German, Japanese, Chinese). Check the level guidance for more information.

    Registration for Semester 2 (2024/2025) is now open until the 24th of January. All clases begin on the week of the 13th of January 2025. Modules for semester 2:


    1. Spanish SPA1021 Beginners (A1.1) This is the first of the beginner modules. You can register without consulting the programme coordinator. Tuesday GLA CG01

    2. Spanish SPA1025. Intermediate  (B1.1) This is the first of the intermediate modules. You can register if you have completed your Leaving Certificate in Spanish. Wednesday GLA C103

    3. Spanish SPA1029. High intermediate to advanced (B2.1) If you have not completed the previous module, please contact  (juanpablo.aunon@dcu.ie) before registering. Thursday GLA CG20

    4. French FRE1019. Intermediate  (B1.2) If you have not completed the previous module, please contact the module coordinator before registering.Tuesday GLA CG03

    5. French FRE1021 High intermediate to advanced  (B2.1) If you have not completed the previous module, please contact the module coordinator before registering. Wednesday GLA CG03

    6. German GER1024. Intermediate  (B1.2) If you have not completed the previous module, please contact the module coordinator before registering. Wednesday GLA CG20

    7. German GER1039 High intermediate to advanced (B2.1)  If you have not completed the previous module, please contact the module coordinator before registering. Thursday GLA CG02


    If you have not completed the previous module you need to contact Juan Pablo Au?ón to assess your level of Spanish  (juanpablo.aunon@dcu.ie) or the module coordinator (elena.me.lopez@dcu.ie) for advice in French or German.

    Do you still hesitate to register for a module?

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