Jones Irwin
I am Associate Professor in Philosophy and Education at the IOE and Chair of the Postgraduate Diploma in Education. My original undergraduate/postgraduate work in Philosophy and Politics was at University College, Dublin and my PhD at University of Warwick, England. 大发体育在线_大发体育-投注|官网 recently, I have held a Visiting Professorship at the Faculty of Education, University of Catania, Italy, 2022-23, and 2023/24 am Visiting Fellow in Philosophy and Religious Studies, University of Hertfordshire, England. I am also Subject Leader at DCU for Philosophy on the Open Education programme. From 2015-2019, I was seconded as Project Officer on the first state curriculum in values and multi-belief education for primary schools in Ireland (there are currently 29 such Community National Schools). In 2023/24, this will connect with the CHANGEMAKER programme at DCU and its network of schools (with a particular connection to the multi-denominational and pluralist sector of schools). I have co-supervised with colleagues at the Institute ten doctoral students to graduation in recent years in areas of education, philosophy and pluralism, and currently have five doctoral students working in related areas. New teaching work for 2023/24 is as module co-ordinator of both the Disciplines Specialism in 4TH BEd and Transformative Leadership Across Diverse Contexts module as part of the new PG Certificate in RSE/SPHE. I am also taking up a new role in the Centre for Educational Disadvantage as Thematic Co-Ordinator for Critical Theory and Community Development.
Book Chapter
Year | Publication | |
2021 | Jones Irwin (2021) '‘Authority and Freedom in Freire: Freire’s Significance as an Educational and Political Philosopher’' In: Irwin, J. and Todaro, L. (2021) [Eds.] Paulo Freire’s Philosophy of Education in Contemporary Context – From Italy to the World. Geneva/Oxford : Peter Lang. | |
2021 | Jones Irwin (2021) ''Derrida and Educational Research - An Introduction''' In: Social Theory and Education Research. Understanding Foucault, Habermas, Bourdieu and Derrida. 2nd Edition (Original 2013). London, UK : Routledge/Taylor Francis. | |
2020 | Jones Irwin (2020) 'Dewey And Postmodernism - A Progressivist Critique of Standardisation in Education' In: The Contemporary Relevance of John Dewey’s Theories on Teaching and Learning: Deweyan Perspectives on Standardization, Accountability, and Assessment in Education. London, UK : Routledge/Taylor Francis. | |
2020 | Jones Irwin and Stephen Cowden (2020) ''Preface - A Critique of False and Destructive Altruism In the Educational and Political Spheres'' In: 'Giving with an agenda: New Philanthropy’s Labour in “Glocal” Education Networks of Governance' by Marina Avelar. Oxford, UK. Geneva, Switzerland : PETER LANG. | |
2020 | Jones Irwin (2020) ''Radicalising Philosophy of Education - The Case of Jean-Francois Lyotard'' In: Philosophical Models of Education. London, UK : Routledge/Taylor Francis. | |
2020 | Jones Irwin (2020) '‘Ethos and Eros: Lacan Wandering Amongst the Presocratic Philosophy’' In: Studying Lacan’s Seminar VII. Routledge, 2020. In Preparation. London and New York : Routledge. | |
2019 | Jones Irwin (2019) '‘Post-Truth in the Age of Trump - Ideology From Right to Left After Fascism and Althusser’' In: On the Question of Truth in the Era of Trump. Koninklijke Brill NV, PA Leiden, The Netherlands : Brill, Leiden. | |
2018 | Jones Irwin (2018) '‘Et Après?’ - The 1970s Philosophical Fallout from May ’68 and Its Contemporary Significance’' In: Globalizing the student rebellion in the long ’68. Salamanca: FahrenHouse : FahrenHouse. [Link] | |
2018 | Jones Irwin (2018) 'Alternative Genealogies of Resistance - Lyotard, Rancière and ‘68 Before and After' In: The Practice of Equality: Jacques Rancière and Critical Pedagogy. Geneva, Switzerland and Oxford,UK : Peter Lang. | |
2017 | Jones Irwin (2017) ''Theatre of Breath – An Artaud-Derrida Existential Conflict'' In: Atmospheres of Breathing: Respiratory Questions in Philosophy. New York, USA : State University of New York Press, SUNY, USA. | |
2016 | Jones Irwin (2016) ''Existential Thought Between Ethics and Religion As Related to Curriculum – From Kierkegaard to Sartre’' In: Does Religious Education Matter?. London : Routledge. [Link] | |
2015 | Jones Irwin (2015) 'The Philosophy of Paulo Freire' In: Readings for Reflective Teaching in Early Education. Bloomsbury, London, 2015. London : Bloomsbury, London. | |
2015 | Jones Irwin (2015) '' Reading the World” – Freire, Lyotard and A Critique of Literacy Education under the Postmodern Condition’' In: Improving Literacy Skills Across Learning. CIDREE YearBook 2015. Hungary : HIERD. Budapest, Hungary. | |
2023 | Jones Irwin (2023) 'Jones Irwin (2023) ‘Whither the Situationist University After Late Capitalism?’ in On Liberal Education and the Autopoiesis of Universities' In: On Liberal Education and the Autopoiesis of Universities. Czech Republic : Karolinum Books. | |
2023 | Jones Irwin (2023) 'Jones Irwin (2023) ‘Ethics Contra Morality In Lacan’s Seminar VII (And Implications For Contemporary Education)’ in Carol Owens (ed.) Studying Lacan’s Seminar VII: the ethics of psychoanalysis' In: Carol Owens (ed.) Studying Lacan’s Seminar VII: the ethics of psychoanalysis. London, UK : Taylor and Francis. | |
2023 | Jones Irwin; Stephan Cowden (2023) 'Jones Irwin (with Stephen Cowden) (2023 forthcoming) ‘Levinas, Teaching and Education From a Critical Pedagogical Perspective’. Series Editors’ Preface in Susan Bailey The Levinasian Teacher (Peter Lang, Geneva/Oxford, 2023)' In: Susan Bailey The Levinasian Teacher. Geneva/Oxford : Peter Lang, Geneva/Oxford. | |
2023 | Jones Irwin (2023) 'Irwin, Jones (2023) ‘大发体育在线_大发体育-投注|官网 Lateral Than Didactic – Unobvious Controversials in the Poetics for Children of George Saunders and Matthew Sweeney Explored Through a Freirean Lens’. March 2023 in Transformation and Continuity: Political and Cultural Changes in Children’s Literature from the Past Century to the Present Day' In: Transformation and Continuity: Political and Cultural Changes in Children’s Literature from the Past. Berlin : Child and the Book Berlin Conference Proceedings. | |
2022 | Jones Irwin (2022) 'Jones Irwin (2022). ‘Understanding Freire in a Postmodern Context’ in Paulo Freire’s Philosophy of Education in a Contemporary Context: From Italy to the World' In: Paulo Freire’s Philosophy of Education in a Contemporary Context: From Italy to the World. Berlin/Geneva : Berlin/Geneva: Peter Lang. | |
2022 | Jones Irwin; Letterio Todaro; Roberto Mazzini (2022) 'Jones Irwin, Letterio Todaro and Roberto Mazzini (2022). ‘Theatre of the Oppressed in Italy After Freire and Boal – An Interview with Roberto Mazzini in Paulo Freire’s Philosophy of Education in a Contemporary Context: From Italy to the World' In: Paulo Freire’s Philosophy of Education in a Contemporary Context: From Italy to the World. Berlin/Geneva : Berlin/Geneva: Peter Lang. | |
2022 | Jones Irwin (2022) 'Jones Irwin (2022). ‘Exploring Specific Tensions in Freire’s Educational and Political Philosophy’ in Paulo Freire’s Philosophy of Education in a Contemporary Context: From Italy to the World' In: Paulo Freire’s Philosophy of Education in a Contemporary Context: From Italy to the World. Berlin/Geneva : Berlin/Geneva: Peter Lang. | |
2022 | Jones Irwin; Letterio Todaro; Ilaria Olimpico (2022) 'Jones Irwin, Letterio Todaro and Ilaria Olimpico (2022). ‘‘Plurality, Listening and Awareness’ - An Interview with Ilaria Olimpico’ in Paulo Freire’s Philosophy of Education in a Contemporary Context: From Italy to the World' In: Paulo Freire’s Philosophy of Education in a Contemporary Context: From Italy to the World. Berlin/Geneva : Berlin/Geneva: Peter Lang. | |
2022 | Jones Irwin; Letterio Todaro; Paolo Vittorio (2022) 'Jones Irwin, Letterio Todaro and Paolo Vittorio (2022). ‘Freire in Italy Again Today: An Interview with Paolo Vittorio’ in Paulo Freire’s Philosophy of Education in a Contemporary Context: From Italy to the World' In: Paulo Freire’s Philosophy of Education in a Contemporary Context: From Italy to the World. Berlin/Geneva : Berlin/Geneva: Peter Lang. | |
2022 | Irwin, Jones and Todaro, Letterio (2022) 'Jones Irwin and Letterio Todaro (2022). ‘Introduction’ in Paulo Freire’s Philosophy of Education in a Contemporary Context: From Italy to the World. Jones Irwin and Letterio Todaro (Eds.). Berlin/Geneva: Peter Lang. January 2022' In: Paulo Freire’s Philosophy of Education in a Contemporary Context: From Italy to the World. Geneva Oxford : Peter Lang. [DOI] | |
2017 | Jones Irwin (2017) '‘Radicalising Philosophy of Education – The Case of Jean-Francois Lyotard’' In: Education, Paedia and Bildung. Croatia : University of Zagreb. | |
2024 | Jones Irwin (2024) '‘An Incredulity to Meta-Narratives: Postmodern Philosophical Perspectives’ in Arts Education in Ireland: From Pedagogy to Practice' In: Arts Education in Ireland: From Pedagogy to Practice. : Intellect Books. [DOI] | |
2023 | Jones Irwin (2023) 'Who Can Breathe? – Artaud’s Existential-Aesthetic Theatre of Life'' In: Aesthetic Literacy Volume 3. Melbourne, Australia : Mongrel Matter Publications. [DOI] | |
2024 | Jones Irwin and Stephen Cowden (2024) '‘Series Editors’ Preface’ in Stammering as Dada: Mike Neary and Critical Education' In: Stammering as Dada: Mike Neary and Critical Education. Oxford/Geneva : Peter Lang. [DOI] | |
2024 | Jones Irwin and Stephen Cowden (2024) '‘Posthumanism and Critical Pedagogy: Series Editor Preface)’ to Lucy Hill, Everyday Artfulness A posthuman perspective on young children’s play with materials' In: Lucy Hill, Everyday Artfulness A posthuman perspective on young children’s play with materials. Oxford/Geneva : Peter Lang. [DOI] |
Conference Publication
Year | Publication | |
2020 | Nelson, James and Irwin, Jones (2020) International Seminar on Religious Education and Values 'Transition Processes in Reluctant States' | |
2019 | Jones Irwin (2019) NCAD 2019 CHANGELAB . In: Fiona King and Tony Murphy eds. Is There Any Free Space Left in the Society of the Spectacle? | |
2019 | Jones Irwin (2019) Transfer, Transnationalization and Transformation of Education Policies (1945-2018). International Conference on Politics and History of Education. Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain . In: Mariano González-Delgado eds. 'In Defence Of Process Curriculum – Connecting the Irish Experience to International Contexts' | |
2019 | Jones Irwin (2019) Critical Education Proceedings, Naples, Italy . In: Paolo Vittoria eds. Freire and Situationism – Whither the Pedagogy of the Oppressed in the Era of the Contemporary Spectacle?, [Link] | |
2018 | Jones Irwin (2018) NCAD CHANGELAB 2018 . In: Fiona King and Tony Murphy eds. Education is Never Neutral! | |
2023 | (2023) Critical Education for Social Emancipation . Conference Proceedings Thessaloniki, Greece . In: by Skordoulis Kostas, Giota Lamrpina, Aliki Laspidou (eds) eds. Jones Irwin ‘From Deschooling to Problem-posing – Connecting Illich and Freire in a Critique of Contemporary Education and Society’ [DOI] |
Edited Book
Peer Reviewed Journal
Year | Publication | |
2021 | Jones Irwin, Petar Jandric et al (2021) ''A Pedagogy of Empowerment and Hope': Teaching Under Conditions of Covid 19. One Year Later'. Postdigital Science and Education, . | |
2020 | Jones Irwin, Petar Jandric, Sarah Hayes et al (2020) ''No Return to Normal: Teaching Under Conditions of Covid 19''. Postdigital Science and Education, . | |
2020 | Jones Irwin, Petar Jandric, Sarah Hayes et al (2020) ''Can Philosophy of Education (and The University) Change for the Better By Listening to Greta and Youth Voice?' in 'Who remembers Greta Thunberg? Education and Environment after the Coronavirus''. Educational Philosophy and Theory, . | |
2020 | Jones Irwin (2020) ''Applying Radical Constructivism and Heuristics to Contemporary Philosophy of Education'. Open Peer Commentary on the article “Constructivism, Fast Thinking, Heuristics and Sustainable Development” by Dr Hugh Gash'. Constructivist Foundations, Volume 16 (Number 1). [Link] | |
2017 | Jones Irwin (2017) 'Radicalising Philosophy of Education – The Case of Jean-Francois Lyotard'. Educational Philosophy and Theory, . | |
2022 | Jones Irwin (2022) 'Irwin, Jones (2022) A Shared Vision of Radical Education. Going Beyond Specific Differences in the Relation between Paulo Freire and Ivan Illich. Espacio, Tiempo y Educación, 9(1), pp. 58-68'. ESPACIO TIEMPO Y EDUCACION, 9 :58-68. |
Book Review
Year | Publication | |
2019 | Jones Irwin (2019) Review of Mike Cole Book. 'Theresa May, The Hostile Environment and Public Pedagogies of Hate and Threat'. British Journal of Educational Studies (BJES): BREV | |
2021 | Jones Irwin (2021) ‘Errantry, Radical Experience and Education - Why Freire Still Matters Today’. Review of Walter Kohan Paulo Freire. A Philosophical Biography. 2021. Bloomsbury, London. in Educational Review, November 2021, Birmingham, UK. BREV [DOI] |
Other Journal
Year | Publication | |
2020 | Jones Irwin (2020) '‘No Futures are Inevitable’ - A Clockwork Orange As A Philosophical-Literary Platonic Fable' Volume 3, April 2020 . | |
2020 | Jones Irwin (2020) 'The Posters of May '68 and Their Significance for a Critique of Contemporary Capitalism' . [Link] | |
2019 | Jones Irwin (2019) '‘Et Après?’ - The 1970s Philosophical Fallout from May ’68 and Its Contemporary Significance’' . [Link] | |
2019 | Jones Irwin (2019) '‘Mysticism and Constructivism with reference to Deconstruction and Contemporary Education’ (Open Peer Commentary on Hugh Gash’s article ‘Constructivism and Mystical Experience’)' . [Link] | |
2017 | Jones Irwin (2017) 'Authority Through Freedom – On Freire’s Radicalisation of the Authority-Freedom Problem in Education' . | |
2016 | Jones Irwin (2016) '‘A Complex Pluralism – Rights and Dilemmas in the Community National School Context’' . [Link] | |
2016 | Jones Irwin (2016) 'Aesthetic-Ethical-Religious – Goodness Me! Goodness You! Curriculum With A Nod To Where The Wild Things Are’' . [Link] | |
2016 | Jones Irwin (2016) 'Beyond Na?ve Leftist Philosophy in Education – On ?i?ek’s Lacanian Politics and Pedagogy' . [Link] | |
2022 | Jones Irwin (2022) '‘Evidently A Punk Poetry: On John Cooper Clarke’' Red Ogre Review, . [Link] [DOI] | |
2023 | Jones Irwin (2023) 'Irwin, Jones ‘From Song To Poem In The Work Of Nick Cave’' ULU REVIEW, . [DOI] | |
2024 | Jones Irwin (2024) '‘From Bashō’s Japanese Verse to Kerouac’s “American Haikus”’' Espacio Fronterizo/Borderland/Espace Frontière, . [Link] [DOI] |
Year | Publication | |
2016 | Jones Irwin (2016) Derrida and the Writing of the Body (first edition; paperback). London, UK: Routledge/Taylor Francis. | |
2014 | Jones Irwin and Helena Motoh (2014) ?i?ek and His Contemporaries – On the Emergence of the Slovenian Lacan. London/New York: Bloomsbury. [Link] | |
2012 | Irwin, J. (2012) Paulo Freire's Philosophy of Education: Origins, Developments, Impacts and Legacies. [Link] | |
2010 | Jones Irwin (2010) Derrida and the Writing of the Body. Surrey, UK: Ashgate (now Taylor and Francis). [Link] |
Published Report
Year | Publication | |
2020 | Hunter, Aideen and Irwin, Jones (2020) 'Knowing Your Neighbour: Educating in Multi-belief contexts in Northern and Southern Ireland'. SCOTENS, . | |
2014 | Jones Irwin/Maureen Bassett (2014) Final Report: Towards an Ethical Education Curriculum Framework for Second-level Schools. Educate Together, Hogan Place, Dublin, . | |
2018 | Jones Irwin (2018) Towards a Values Led Redevelopment of the Primary Curriculum. NCCA, . [Link] | |
2017 | Jones Irwin and James Nelson (2017) Sharing Beliefs; Sharing Education: policy and curricular responses to plurality of beliefs in Ireland, North and South. SCOTENS, . | |
Book Review
Enterprise Engagement
Research Interests
Values Education inc. Comparative Beliefs and Religious Education
Curriculum - Theory and Practice
Multi-Denominational and Pluralist Schools and Ethoi
State Role in School Values (national/international)
Theory in Early Years Education (Steiner/Froebel)
19th and 20th Century European Philosophy
1960s and Post-'68 French Theory and Influence on Leftist Politics
Existential Thought
Participatory Action Research
Aesthetics/Poetics/Fiction (Literature and Philosophy)
Emergent Approaches to Introducing Philosophy
Research Projects
Teaching Interests
Philosophy of Teaching Statement Since I started teaching in Drumcondra in 2001, my philosophy of teaching and of education has evolved and strengthened but also retained a continuity. The inspiration of Paulo Freire and Critical pedagogical approaches remains strong, both in theory and practice. My experience of curriculum development and working with teachers in schools to co-construct curriculum (alongside communities and children) has been seminal for me in understanding the limitations of some less engaged approaches to education.
The main principles of my approach can be described as –
1. An emphasis on democratic teacher-student relationships 2. An understanding of the importance of generative themes and approaches that meet with the needs of the teaching group 3. Agency of the teacher student in curriculum development and understanding 4. The crucial reciprocity of research and teaching 5. The need for a strong pluralism in education which recognizes the significance of ethnic and beliefs backgrounds as constitutive