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  • R30 Form DCU Institute of Education

    Student Steps to submit Extenuating Circumstances (R30)

    1) Gather relevant supporting documentation for your personal circumstances.  

    2) Fill out the "Application of Extenuating Circumstances (R30 process)" detailing the reason for your application.

    3) Once you have the following to hand you may proceed to fill in the below webform. 

    • Application of Extenuating Circumstances (R30 process)
    • Supporting documentation.

    4) Follow the steps on the Submission portal.  Once you upload your documentation and press submit, you will receive a submission confirmation to your DCU email account. 


    Data Privacy Notice

    The personal data (including any special or sensitive data) requested on this form will be obtained, processed and retained by DCU (the Data Controller). The data is required to assess your request and will be processed by relevant units within the University. The data will be retained for eight years at end of which it will be erased. Please refer to the  University's Data Privacy Policy for further details. If you wish to obtain further information about data protection please visit the website of the Irish Data Protection Commissioner
    Note: The processing of special categories of personal data collected on this form and described above will be based on your consent.

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    Module Code Module Title Operations
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    Please select the semester(s) affected by your extenuating circumstance(s)
    Semester 1 September to December
    Semester 2 January to April
    Resits July/August
    Please note

    If you have selected more than one period above, your supporting documentation should cover this period.  Registry may contact you to confirm that your supporting documentation is up to date in advance of the resit period. It is the your responsibility to make sure that accurate supporting documentation is submitted to Registry within the published deadlines. 

    Please tick the box below which best describes your extenuating circumstances
    Illness, injury, accident or hospitalisation.
    Family illness
    Other personal or emotional circumstances
    Victim of crime
    Work commitments (Part-time students only)
    Upload requirements
    Upload requirements
    This question is for testing whether or not you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions..