Coursebuilder is a development tool for teaching and learning, designed to assist staff with the writing of module descriptors in terms of learning outcomes in the short term and to facilitate on-going academic development in the future.
The Coursebuilder application is supported by ISS on behalf of the OVPAA.
You can login to the system with your standard DCU network username and password.
Please contact ISS if you need to have your network password reset.
A user guide can be downloaded by staff once they've logged into Coursebuilder.
Module Access
ISS do not manage module/programme access in Coursebuilder.
If you are a new academic staff member or teaching assistant - you need to login once to Coursebuilder to activate your account on the system.
If you require access to a module as a module co-ordinator please contact your Faculty office to request the change.
If you are a new academic staff member or teaching assistant - you need to login once to Coursebuilder - this will activate the account and allow your faculty to find/assign you to teach the relevant module on the Loop VLE system.
Module coordinators in coursebuilder are NOT automatically imported/enrolled as the teacher in the loop system. This access must be requested through your faculty office.
Only staff assigned as TEACHERS on the latest approved version of a module in the course builder system will be automatically checked/imported/enrolled as the teacher for the module on the loop system.
If you are a new academic staff member or teaching assistant - you need to login once to Coursebuilder to activate your account on the system.
Anonymous marking access is provided by your Faculty Office.
Users assigned as module co-ordinators and teachers will not have anonymous marking access by default.
Anonymous marking must be requested and only a single anonymous marker can be assigned to a module at a time.
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