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  • DCU student collects top prize at the European Media and Learning Conference
    DCU student collects top prize at the European Media and Learning Conference

    DCU student collects top prize at the European Media and Learning Conference

    A DCU student has collected a top prize at the European Media and Learning Conference which took place in Brussels on March 10th. Edel Crosbie, a student of the Masters in Education and Training Management (e-learning) programme and a school principal picked up the MEDEA User-Generated Award for her entry, Labhair Linn, Cabhraigh Linn! Speak with Us! Support Us!

    Her entry also won a second award for Media Supported Language Learning. Dr. Yvonne Crotty, School of Education Studies supervised the educational video research.

    The awards were presented in the Flemish Ministry of Education and Training Headquarters attended by Jam de Craemer, Ministry of Education, Belgium. The MEDEA Awards are part of the Media and Learning Conference, a yearly conference about the use of media in education, which takes place in Brussels.

    The aim of the MEDEA Awards is to encourage innovation and good practice in the use of media (audio, video, graphics and animation) in education. The awards also recognise and promote excellence in the production and pedagogical design of media-rich resources. The award for user-generated educational media is awarded to the best entry submitted by teachers, students, learners, parents, professors, individuals or organisational representatives in primary, secondary education, higher education, adult education, vocational education and/or training.