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  • UNESCO Ethics Teacher Training Course, Trinidad and Tobago, June 2017

    Bert Gordijn teaches prospective ethics teachers at UNESCO Ethics Teacher Training Course, Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago, June 13 - June 16 2017

    UNESCO ETTC Port of Spain, Trinidad & Tobago (0)UNESCO ETTC Port of Spain, Trinidad & Tobago (2)UNESCO ETTC Port of Spain, Trinidad & Tobago (1)

    Organized by UNESCO's Regional Bioethics Programme (UNESCO Office in Montevideo), the West Indian University (WIU) and the Bioethics Society of the English Caribbean (BSEC), the third Regional Ethics Teacher Training Course has taken place in the city of Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago, from 13 to 16 June 2017. The training targeted bioethics teachers plying in under or in post-graduation level. Its purpose was to enable expert teachers by giving them methodological tools in bioethics education (deliberative method, problematizing methodology, use of cases, problem-based learning etc.) and offer them special strategies such as TICs and art at different levels. The course also included introductory items on the disciplinary bioethics paradigm and educational contents, such as the human rights approach, and social and environmental issues.