Uaneen Non-Contributory PSK1001 Opt-In Form
What is your student number?
Are you in the final year of your DCU Undergraduate programme or Masters' programme?
What is your programme's course name?
What is your programme's course code?
Are you, or do you intend to become involved, in extracurricular activities during your time in DCU?
Please provide a full list of all extracurricular activites you are involved in, or intend to be involved in during your time in DCU.
Please give details of what your role is, or what role you intend to have, in your extracurricular activity/ies (i.e. Chairperson, Organiser, Secretary, Ordinary Member, etc.)
If you have been involved in extracurricular activities before coming to DCU, and will continue to be involved in that activity during your time in DCU, how long have you been involved in that activity?