DCU Information Systems Services header
Information Systems Services

Remote working advice

  • DCU VPN Pulse is currently available to all DCU staff.
  • Information on how to use DCU VPN Pulse can be viewed from here.
Multifactor Authentication
DCU AppConnect
  • It is now possible for DCU staff to access some of the essential DCU systems and services such as local network drives while out of the office on any device from any location.
  • Information on how to access DCU AppConnect can be viewed from here.
  • ISS advises that all personal mobile devices, laptops and PC's must be encrypted prior to accessing DCU data, please see our Encryption web page.
  • Information on how to encrypt a Windows Laptop or a PC can be viewed from here.
  • Information on how to encrypt an Apple Mac or an iMac can be viewed from here.
Anti Virus
  • We advise that all staff working on their own devices remotely install DCU Anti Virus
  • Information on how to install the DCU Anti Virus can be viewed from here.
ZOOM - Remote Meetings
  • ZOOM is now available for all staff to use as part of their content delivery and to schedule and attend meetings.
  • Information on how to use ZOOM, how to sign in, add it to DCU Apps so you can schedule and attend remote meetings via Google calendar can be viewed from here.
ZOOM - Recommended Security Settings
  1. Change your default ZOOM security settings.
  2. Set security options while scheduling a Zoom meeting.
  3. Manage security during a Zoom meeting.
Google Meet - Remote Meetings
  • Google Meet can also be used as a way to schedule and attend remote meetings via Google Calendar.
  • Information on how to use Google Meet, how to schedule and attend remote meetings can be viewed from here.
Office 365
  • Office 365 is available for all staff to install on personal devices
  • Information on how to install Microsoft Office 365 can be viewed from here.
DCU Voicemail
  • Voicemail on all DCU handsets/desk phones can be accessed from any phone from any location at any time, just follow the instructions that can be viewed here
DCU Cyber Security Awareness
DCU ICT Policies