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Centre for Human Rights and Citizenship Education
Participants at 'Brave' launch

'Brave' launch and screening

On Wednesday, September 11th, we were delighted to celebrate and launch 'Brave'. 'Brave' is a 4-part series of digital storytelling videos, featuring Ashley, Moses and Roxanna, as they explore the themes of identity, belonging, racism and creating a better future. It is part of a 3-year research project aiming to amplify the voices of young people with second-generation and ethnic minority backgrounds, to enhance understanding of migrant experiences in teacher education programmes.

Dr. Maria Barry and Dr. Malgosia Machowska-Kosciak, the Principal Investigators for the project, launched the series at an event hosted in DCU's Institute of Education. We were delighted to be joined by DCU colleagues and students from across early years, primary and post-primary education. Representatives from several education insititutions (such as Trinty College Dublin, University College Dublin and Maynooth University) and bodies (such as the NCCA, the INTO and the Teaching Council) were also in attendance, along civil society friends and organisations (such as Balbriggan Youth Forum, Black & Irish and Children's Rights Alliance).

'Brave' is designed specifically to support teachers and student teachers to listen to and hear the authentic experiences of three young people growing up and going to school in Ireland and, to reflect on and consider the implications of these stories for their own teaching, classrooms and schools. The project was funded by the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration & Youth and by the DICE project (Irish Aid at the Dept. of Foreign Affairs).

To access the vidoes and guidelines for use, please click here